The Jackson Rancheria is served by a 0.5 Mgal/d (ADWF) WWTP. For the past 20 years, the plant has lacked screening or any sort of pre-treatment. This resulted in the build-up of debris in the SBRs and an expensively high rate of equipment replacement in the form of clogged pumps. The plant was also generating odors that were going into the hotel and casino.
NEXGEN ultimately designed a headworks for the WWTP including mechanical screens to remove debris, an influent pump station, and a magnesium hydroxide (MgOH) alkalinity feed system. The headworks also included odor control to significantly decrease odors at the WWTP and the casino and hotel. Construction was completed in partnership with Jackson Rancheria staff and construction crews. Master planning and other wastewater improvements are ongoing with the Jackson Rancheria.