The City of Woodland has completed the first phase of an ambitious three phase recycled water program. Phase I (also known as the Industrial Park Recycled Water Project) was completed in 2016 and now provides recycled water to two parks and the largest industrial water user in Woodland in the northeast portion of the City. This project single-handedly reduced the demand on the potable water supply by 10%.
The City is in the planning stages of Phase II, which would expand the recycled water system to the Spring Lake area of the City. Phase II will supply recycled water to a number of parks and landscape strips in the southeastern portion of the City. Phase III will extend recycled water service west of Highway 113 to serve the proposed 350-acre Research and Technology Park.
The NEXGEN team completed and submitted all documentation to secure Clean Water State Revolving Fund funding for Phases I and II of the Recycled Water Project. NEXGEN completed the State’s General Order Notice of Intent package and applied for (and received) a recycled water permit for the City. NEXGEN also prepared the Title 22 Engineering Reports (per DPH) for the UV disinfection system and each Phase 1 use site.